Office: 902-232-2350

Cell: 902-863-8767

Delorey Land Surveys Inc.

Industrial Projects

DeLorey Land Surveys Inc. was instrumental in completing topographic surveys for the design and development of the second generation landfill at the Municipality of the District of  Waste Management Facilities. The twenty (20) year plan for the landfill included a site plan for seven (7) waste disposal cells to be constructed during the 20 year period. Each new cell is designed for the specific elevations and location, and includes a double liner system that ensure full containment of any contaminated water (referred to as leachate) which comes in contact with the waste. Cell #1 and associated infrastructure was constructed in 2005 and commenced operating on January 1, 2006.

Cell #2 was constructed in 2007 and put into use in 2008.

Cell #3 , as well as Cell #1 & #2 were completed on schedule and within budget and in accordance with the Waste Facility 20 Year Business Plan and Environmental Operations Permit. We will be doing a topographic survey in June of 2014 of the area in which Cell #4 is proposed to be constructed in late 2015.

Office: 902-232-2350

Cell: 902-863-8767